Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Last night was quiet for us. We had Jafta and India over to spend the night so mommy and daddy could celebrate both Kristen's birthday and New Year's Eve. We watched Wally in front of the fireplace in our jammies. A great night!! Today, however, the kids were up at 6:00--still on Florida time!! We've been playing, reading, and they are now watching Rudolph with grandpa. I have been trying for the last 30 minutes to begin paying my bills on line (one of my New Year's Resolutions)--and a big step for this barely computer literate grandma. And of course, it is not letting me sign up--no wonder I get discouraged!! I guess I will wait til tomorrow and try to call someone. I will not write checks today!! I will win at this game!! I've made coffee and guess I had better go relieve grandpa--maybe it's time for breakfast! Happy New Year to all!!

1 comment:

Kristen Howerton said...

Thank you so much for watching the kids. I can't believe they woke up so early!! I bet they loved watched WallE with you guys.