Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

It's a gray, cloudy, rainy, windy day--what we call a "white Christmas" for Southern California!! The gas logs are "crackling" in the fireplace, the Christmas lights are all lighted, the traditional sticky bun pull-apart has been consumed, the gifts have been opened--we are all in a somewhat vegetative mode--and loving it!! Janet (my sister) and I are in our new comfy slippers while we decide what movie to see. Lonnie is talking to old hunting buddies from Kansas and reminicing about the past. I miss the excitement and craziness of the grandkids--that was yesterday! But at the same time I am enjoying the quiet, soft Christmas music playing in the background. My prayer for you all is a peaceful day, filled with the love of family, good food, warmth, and most of all the knowledge of the greatest gift ever--the arrival of a tiny baby boy in a stable in Bethlehem 2008 years ago. A baby that would change our world forever! Happy Birthday, Jesus!! And Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!!

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