Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Retirement Job!!

I've always said I couldn't retire until I found my retirement job/passion. Well, I found it today. I have always wanted to live on a farm. I have no idea why, I know it is 12 months of 24/7 hard work. I must have some glorified version in my head of what being on a farm is like, horses, bunnies, goats, gathering eggs--and yet, my intellect tells me STOP!! Today, I (and Sarah) took our little Kinder friends to the Centenniel Farm at the Orange County Fairgrounds. And there, I found my future volunteer employment--a docent at the farm. One who takes small groups of children around the farm, explaining and teaching their little hearts out for one hour or so, then telling the kids goodbye, and being finished!! No grade cards, no parent conferences, (I do enjoy meeting the parents, however), no hours of planning--but of course, the bad part--no paycheck. So I guess I'll stay where I am for a while longer anyway. I do like money. Besides, there is something about developing relationships with the kids. Falling in love with them, and seeing their amazing growth over the 10 months we have them. Today, I loved looking into the eyes of the kids while we sang rousing renditions of Old MacDonald, Itsy, Bitsy Spider and countless other classics, and seeing their utter joy. Yes, I am exactly where I am supposed to be. At least for now.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall at Last!

True, the leaves haven't starting changing colors--most won't. But it is cool--55 degrees last night at 10:00. And we are going to the pumpkin patch tonight!! It is fall!! We've been so hot for the past 2 months that wearing long sleeved shirts and hoodies is a welcome treat! I'm feeling fallish!! That means a hot sweet drink every morning to get me going. There are two beautiful children asleep in two of my rooms. A hot cup of coffee in my hands. Warm clothes on my body. A beautiful warm home. Thank you, Lord for this beautiful day!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Summer Nights

What a fun evening we had tonight. We watched Wall-E with two of our grandkids and their mom and dad in a beautiful park under the stars. Who knew that would be so delightful. It brought back memories of the family drive-in nights our family used to love. My mom would pop a bushel basket full of popcorn--with butter! Also, since we didn't have an ice maker, she would wrap two ice cube trays with newspaper, and bring cups and cokes for our drinks. We never went to the concession stand--we always brought our own treats. The main difference was tonight we were wrapped up in blankets before the movie was over. Summer nights back in Kansas were steamy hot--but no less fun and memorable! I don't remember one single specific movie I watched in those years, but the feeling of family was undeniable. Memories don't get any better!! Save your money moms and dads--your kids will remember nights like tonight forever!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Yes, I am well aware of the awesomeness of ants. They are tireless workers, extremely industrious. And I know they can lift and carry something like 100 times their body weight. And they are even somewhat cute when you look at them up close. But, the truth is, I hate them!! In the heat we have been experiencing here in Southern California, they have literally taken over my kitchen. Since I am anti-poison, I tried everything--water, vinegar, Windex, you name it, to deter their assult on my home. I finally resorted to Raid when they covered my entire kitchen counter. I let it stand for 24 hours to hopefully send the word out--"Keep out of this house!" The next evening, as I was wiping up the bodies, I opened one of my pantry doors to see swarms of them--it was like they were in Disneyland! It was late, I was tired, I shut the door and told them to eat all they want--I would be back tomorrow. Well, it's now three days later. I have still not taken everything out of my pantry and killed the little critters. They are still swarming--even though they don't seem to be eating anything. And there seem to be a little fewer of them today. Believe it or not, I am learning to like the little guys. The good news is, it has cooled off somewhat--it's only in the 90's and down in the 60's at night. I feel strongly that they will begin their pilgrimage out of my pantry tonight. If not, tomorrow is truly "D" day--and that stands for DEATH!! Consider yourselves forewarned!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer Vacation--Nearing It's End

We are enjoying a few days in Seattle visiting our son Michael and his wonderful family.  It has been cool here unlike Southern California where we have been burning!!  Today, it even rained--delightful!!  It has been so fun--staying up late, reading, sleeping late, taking great walks in the trails that surround their house, eating decadent cupcakes, taking the kids to movies, eating delicious farm grown vegetables, drinking hot tea, just spending time with the grandkids--all in all, an amazing time.  In a way I am dreading going home on Wednesday.  That is when the countdown begins for going back to work.  And I have tons to do before I go back to work.  And I am not ready to leave my summer!!  Please don't let it end just yet!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cuteness abounds!

How could I not mention the latest group photo of the "magnificent seven"--seriously, could there possibly ever be a cuter group of kids? Of course not!! This is our third annual June photo of the grandkids in grandma and grandpa's back yard. We will try again as soon as possible in hopes of getting the two newest little ones to smile for the camera!!

Now, I'm really back!

OK, I lied--I wasn't really back, it was just a teaser. For the past month, I have had an excuse, I have no internet. The good news about that is, we are going wireless--sometime in the next month anyway. And I am getting a new computer for me--a laptop, and we are getting a new desktop as well. A great time to go wireless-no? yes? For the time being, I am at the library. I had to come and do my online banking and get a confirmation for our trip to Seattle next week. Thank goodness for the public library--thank you, wasn't it, Ben Franklin? Whomever--thanks. So much has happened since my last post--for one, Sarah and I are moving to Kindergarten next year. And we are so happy about that. Also, we are on summer break--which is the number three reason I love teaching. Number one is the kids, the job itself and working with Sarah, number two is the money, little though it is, and third, the lovely, long summer. I went to my class reunion in June--that will be another post. We just returned from a road trip to Kansas and Oklahoma--that's another post too. This week, I am driving to San Deigo to stay in a timeshare--by myself--I can't wait!! Lonnie will join me for the weekend. I see some serious reading by the pool in my near future. And lots of Mexican food--my favorite, and Lonnie doesn't really care for it. Plus some long walks, and maybe even a workout or two in the gym, assuming they have one. Maybe I'll just settle for the lounge chair by the pool and a nice cool drink!! Tata for now!

Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm Back!!

Don't ask me where I have been, because the answer is nowhere!! I just seem to be avoiding the computer as of late. Too much fun with the grandkids!! I've loved this Spring Break--I am feeling more and more like I will love retirement--whenever that may happen!! After living in So. Cal for 30 plus years, I visited the flower fields in Carlsbad last week. So beautiful!! Again, where have I been for 30 years? Good Friday was absolutely amazing at MVCC--you all outdid yourselves!! And Easter Sunday as well. Then we spent a fun afternoon at Mark and Kristen's house with the local family--hiding Easter Eggs and eating like there was no tomorrow. Yum!! Today, I have chosen to stay home and get some things done before I go back to work tomorrow. For one, I will walk today!! The sun is shining--there is no excuse!! It doesn't take much for me to cancel--too windy, too cold, too much pollen, too wet, no time, a better offer, and the list goes on!! I'm not really looking forward to going to work--although, once I get there, I really do enjoy it--the kids especially. For now, I'm off to walk.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


My dear husband was "hell-bent" (pardon the expression) to get his new car (2008, but new to us) into the garage. We have lived in this house for 6 years, and have a nice 3-car garage. Never have we had two cars in said garage. When we first moved in, we spent a small fortune getting an epoxy floor and really nice built ins in the garage--thinking we could get rid of our storage unit--and thus save money. Great ideas. Only one small problem--we are the king and queen of crap. So for the last 5 years, I have managed to squeeze my VW bug into the 3 car garage. Things were looking pretty good out there until Christmas. I dug out all our decorations, and then after Christmas, but them back into the garage. Many of the items were too heavy for me to put back up--plus it's been darn cold here this January and February. Needless to say, things never got put away. It's deep out there.

So Monday night, hubby gets home early and starts working in the garage. He puts up what he has room for, and moves the rest of the "c" over to the 3rd car side, just stacking it higher and higher. It is now stacked taller than me! And I'm 5'9"!! And the cars are parked practically touching--making it tough for both of us, who are a "few" pounds overweight, to get in and out of the cars. Plus, I have bags--school and lunch. Such a pain. Also, I have to squeeze out of the car to see if I've pulled up far enough, then squeeze back in to pull up a few more inches in order to get the garage door closed! Tonight, in his attempt to give me a little more room, he pulled in sort of sideways. So I could get out of my car a little easier--with my bags. Then when I tried to get into the house, I noticed the path was completely gone. I had to go around to the front door to get in my house from the garage--and then forgot to go back out and close the garage door. Later this evening, when he wanted to go get a drink out of the garage refrigerator, he had to go out the front door and into the garage.

Saturday, we have a date to work on the pile on the last side of the garage. I guess this is progress! Just so this stuff doesn't end up in my house!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Making the Good Choice!

I had a meltdown today driving (or should I say racing) to get to my chorale group in time to pass out the costumes I had ordered and sorted, and packaged for the new members of the group so they would have them in time for pictures next Tuesday. Whew--even saying it exhausts me. But through it all, I came to a good conclusion. I may have to either cut back or even (I can't believe I'm saying this) drop out of chorale until this school year is over. Let's face it--I would rather spend time with my grandchildren, relaxed time, than feel so stressed about being in places and groups that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things. And what in the world was I thinking when I said I would be in charge of costumes this semester? I need to practice that little word again--NO!--before I get myself in even more trouble. I think the worst of it is over--I may have to place another order before the performance in May--notice I didn't say my performance!! I have come to grips that I might not even be singing then!! There is enough stress in my life that I can't control--I need to eliminate what I can!! Good job, Nancy! Tomorrow I get to spend the day and the night (Yay, a sleep-over!!) with Tanner and Peyton. I am just about the most blessed person I know!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Excuses, Excuses!

I haven't posted for so long, I forgot my password!! Now that's pretty bad. And I have no real excuse--just the usual. Working, enjoying my family, taking care of my sister, trying to get ahead in my house (impossible, I've decided), and the other things that seem to creep into the days. Now as you may have heard, I have another new grandbaby--Peyton Elizabeth, born to Sarah and Kipp on Friday. She's a beauty!! Big brother really loves her too. As soon as I learn to put pics up, I'll include some. For now check out Lyonslove and Kristen's blog for some cute ones!! This is number 6 for us and number 7 will be born in April!! Who knew being a grandma could be so wonderful--and so much easier than being mom!! I'm off today to spend the night to help Sarah take both kids to the dr. tomorrow!! What fun!! I never want to go back to work!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Back to Reality!!

I just finished my "week" of work today--my three day week!! And as much as I dreaded going back to work after the two week break, it was a delightful time with the students!! We have a fantastic class--very loving kids. There's something about work, I don't know if it is the structure, the feeling of worth, the actual job, the children, the fellow staff members--it's just a very good part of my life these days. As the economy gets tighter, I feel like I will never quit work. On the other hand, if there are more and more cutbacks in the state budget, things may happen that are out of my control. (As if anything is really in my control!!) I really like my job and the money too!! I really don't want to lose my job!! But, rather than worry about that, I will continue to just enjoy each day I have in our little classroom, with our little first graders.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Last night was quiet for us. We had Jafta and India over to spend the night so mommy and daddy could celebrate both Kristen's birthday and New Year's Eve. We watched Wally in front of the fireplace in our jammies. A great night!! Today, however, the kids were up at 6:00--still on Florida time!! We've been playing, reading, and they are now watching Rudolph with grandpa. I have been trying for the last 30 minutes to begin paying my bills on line (one of my New Year's Resolutions)--and a big step for this barely computer literate grandma. And of course, it is not letting me sign up--no wonder I get discouraged!! I guess I will wait til tomorrow and try to call someone. I will not write checks today!! I will win at this game!! I've made coffee and guess I had better go relieve grandpa--maybe it's time for breakfast! Happy New Year to all!!