Thursday, February 26, 2009

Excuses, Excuses!

I haven't posted for so long, I forgot my password!! Now that's pretty bad. And I have no real excuse--just the usual. Working, enjoying my family, taking care of my sister, trying to get ahead in my house (impossible, I've decided), and the other things that seem to creep into the days. Now as you may have heard, I have another new grandbaby--Peyton Elizabeth, born to Sarah and Kipp on Friday. She's a beauty!! Big brother really loves her too. As soon as I learn to put pics up, I'll include some. For now check out Lyonslove and Kristen's blog for some cute ones!! This is number 6 for us and number 7 will be born in April!! Who knew being a grandma could be so wonderful--and so much easier than being mom!! I'm off today to spend the night to help Sarah take both kids to the dr. tomorrow!! What fun!! I never want to go back to work!!

1 comment:

Lisa Davis said...

That is sooo funny ! I love it. The truth is always stranger than fiction ! I love it! I am cleaning house right now! Tons of fun...not. We are having guests tomorrow night for dinner, a couple from India. The husband works with Gary. Should be a fun, culture evening for the kids! AND congratulations to you on your newest, cutest grandchild. She is beautiful ! Have fun with them tomorrow !!