Sunday, November 23, 2008


I am so very thankful this very minute!! We had a great video clip in church today that reminded us that we need to be thankful we have a God that is good, a God that will help us through the tough times, a God who is always with us. We need to be thankful in spite of the circumstances we may find ourselves in--and we will all have tough times--even if not right now. We have received more blessings that we will ever know. Right now, I am thankful I will have all my kids together on Thanksgiving--and our table will be full of delicious food!! Thank you Lord!!


Lyonslove said...

I am thankful for you as my mommy! That movie was so touching for me too. I want to be a more thankful person.

Lisa Davis said...

Amen !! We have so much to be thankful for don't we? Wish I could have been at your table for just 5 minutes today...California is sooo far away !
Love ya