Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday Blues

I don't know what is wrong with me--I'm down today. It doesn't help that it is cloudy and cold outside (sorry Seattle Howertons--I know I am spoiled!!) It also doesn't help that our government seems to be going down the tubes, Lonnie and I are sharing my VW bug convertible with no hope of getting another car anytime soon, my carpet is disgusting and I can't get anyone to help me move the furniture so I can clean it with my Kirby, I have a big stack of bills to pay, my sister wants to move back to Kansas after I've killed myself trying to help her get settled here in Orange County for the past year and 4 months, I'm starving to death--trying to be on a toxin cleanse diet, I haven't lost any weight to speak of, my foot is still bothering me a lot after 7 weeks of physical therapy, I am missing my choral groups I just joined because of the car situation, I don't even know how we will get to church tomorrow with the tiny car and 3 large adults (none of whom comes close to fitting into the tiny back seat), and speaking of tiny, the tiny back window of my tiny car (our only car) is now broken in the down position with a chance of rain this weekend!!
Is Mama Mia playing anywhere?

1 comment:

Lisa Davis said...

Ugh!! Not to sound corny but to quote Annie - the sun will come up tomorrow. I am sure that over the past several years, you have helped many a person and I say get on the horn and ask for a ride to wherever you need to go, or for anything that you need, etc. Life is short not to ask for what we need. Isn't that the prize for getting older? Not having to pussy foot around? And why in the world should any second of it be less than superior?? Um, it shouldn't. The big guy did not design us for misery but for joy, joy, joy. And he gave us a brain to figure out how to find it when it eludes us. So, its time for all those that YOU have helped over the years to give back to you because I know that you have given and given without expecting anything in return. As for your sister has she been reminded what the meaning of gratitude is? If so, then she would not want to go back to Kansas, Toto doesn't live there anymore. He lives in Orange County! Hang in there and perhaps you should purchase a DVD of Mama Mia, I think that is just what the doctor ordered !