Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer Vacation?

Supposedly, one of the main benefits of teaching is the summers off. Well, it is July 22, and I'm still wondering when my vacation starts? I supposed it is all relative, because at least I'm not getting up at 6:00a.m. and driving to work. But the word vacation used to conjure up an idea of some form of relaxation, laying on the beach, little drinks with umbrellas and pineapples, getting a massage, hanging out with people you love. I do get the priviledge of being with people I love often, but it always seems to be associated with some form of busyness. For example, yesterday I had an eye appointment which lasted 2 hours and 45 minutes--what a waste of a perfectly good morning! The good news is my eyes are very healthy--the bad news is my new glasses are bifocals!! After that I met up with Sarah and Tanner. We had a fun lunch at In and Out, and then proceeded to make the errand run--4 different stops--exhausting for us all. We did top off the day with a fun picnic at the Beach Club with grandchildren and their cousins from Florida--maybe just a taste of that summer vacation I remember!!


Lyonslove said...

I'm with you! Bring on the vacation! You mean Vacation Bible School didn't cut it for you?!? I am so excited about Washington!

Jodie Howerton said...

Can't wait to have you guys up here. Maybe I should hire a masseuse to come treat us all.....

Lisa said...

I know the feeling.

Feels like we should be having some lazy days ... right!?!

Glad you're spending time with your family. Hope to see you again when you visit the kids' school!
