Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Coming Home

It's always a little sad when I get home from visiting my northwest kids and grandkids. The visits are always amazingly fun, but they are so few and far between. I'm always so blessed by them--Alex is quite the Tae-Kwon-Do star, and Caleb is following in his dad's footsteps as a hustler on the baseball field--granted it is only T-Ball. Jodie is always the perfect hostess and I love attending church and hearing my son Preach!! Wow!! I sometimes still can't believe it! I love the great talks over coffee or a glass of wine by the fireplace. The weekend was topped off by the goats they "rented" to clear some of the vegetation overgrowth--what fun!! Check out Jodie's blog for pictures. Today, I am watching Tanner and having a quiet day--tomorrow back to work. In honor of the fun I had in Seattle, however, I brought some of the weather home with me--cold, cloudy, rainy. Ah California, home again!!


Kristen Howerton said...

I love that you are doing a blog. How fun!!

Jodie Howerton said...

Welcome to the blogging world! We LOVE having you up here!!!!!!! You are such a hip grandm!

jane in CT said...

So neat! Great way to stay in touch with the Howertons!! Will be in CA late June....hope we can see each other then!!

Lisa said...

It was very fun to see you at church.

Hope you're feeling better.

It's always wonderful to see you!

Love, Lisa