Saturday, December 24, 2011

Reflections on Christmas

It's late on Christmas Eve--I'm bundled up in my new robe with ice on my ankle. I sprained it today and am in a ton of pain! Complaints aside, I am so excited about Christmas. The service at Mission Viejo Rock Harbor tonight was quite meaningful. Beautiful Christmas hymns--including my two favorites--"O Holy Night" and "O Come, O Come Emmanuel". Even jazzed up, these hymns spoke to my heart with words of truth, joy, and wonder.

I've been giving a lot of thought lately to why family holidays are so important to me. I’m sure part of it is that I’m not getting any younger! Not to be morbid or anything, but I remember when we were much younger and we would take family trips back to Kansas and Oklahoma. Great family times. But I would often comment to my sister-in-law and dear friend, Kay, “This might be our last family vacation back here”. She always laughed at my comment—and yet, one summer, as our kids were in their teens and beginning many new facets of life, it indeed was our last family vacation. Bottom line, I just plain don’t want to miss any of these memorable times with my great family!!

I suppose an even more important reason, is that out of our 42 years of marriage, we were only able to spend the holidays a handful of times with our families. And how I longed for that—every year. We tried to make up for it by having guests join us—which we loved, but nothing took the place of my mom and dad! And now that they are gone, it is even more important to me to spend the precious moments with those I love!

And now as I head for bed this Christmas Eve—pain killers in hand, I am filled with joy! I am a blessed woman. I get to spend Christmas with most of my kids and grandkids, and the rest of the gang will be in later in the week!! And even though I can barely walk, the excitement of seeing the grandkids tearing into their gifts with such reckless abandon is my most joyous thought! Christ is Born! Emmanuel!! I pray God’s blessings to you and your families this Christmas and in the New Year!

Reflections on

Friday, September 9, 2011

Indian Summer

I hope this isn't politically incorrect, but I can't help but remember this as a description of the hot, humid, summer like weather we always had in the fall back in the olden days in Kansas. As much as I love fall, I really love the hot weather we have in fall as well. It just helps me feel like it is still summer. Had a great day in Balboa Island today (I'm pretty sure I could live there!)--the sun was amazing, lunch delicious, ice cream even better, being with old friends--priceless! Thanks Rosie, Barbara, and my new friend, Betty. Can't wait to come for happy hour some summer/fall afternoon! I'll bring the box!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I haven't written on this blog for so long, I forgot my password!! I finally got in, so my goal is to write something at least every week!! Today went great with my 33 little friends. My little sad friend only cried for a few minutes--he stopped right after I told him there is no crying in Kindergarten. That's all it took--happy as a clam the rest of the day!! And a great job on all his work too!! A reminder to me--keep it really simple!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

April Joys

First, the most joyful day of April is always today for me--it's my mom's birthday!! I love remembering her especially on this day. She was the most generous, loving, caring, hospitable, kind, thoughtful person I have ever known. And I still miss her terribly! Ironic she also died in April--the 18th.
My second joy is lilacs and the overwhelming scent they carry, and the wonderful childhood memories they evoke. I just returned from a trip to my hometown in Kansas and was able to pick some lilacs and inhale them several times a day. They are beautiful and scented--an unbeatable combination. I brought a few starts back with me in hopes of getting some going out here. We will see. Even if they start, it takes seven years to get flowers--what joy that will be!!
Joy three--Easter!! It's the entire reason for my faith!! I love celebrating with church services and family! We will color and hide eggs, and I will eat chocolate!!
The last but never least joy--Spring, the sunshine, the flowers, bird song, and everything that goes with it. Even a little rain this morning!! May God bless us all!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stressed? Let it go!!

Had a great day at work. Driving home, I was listening to Christian Radio, and the pastor was talking about some slick new church opening up near where he lived, and they had sent out brochures saying how they had the answer to success in life, and happiness, and a bunch of feel-good stuff. He said--that isn't real Biblical teaching--real Biblical teaching is this--" Life is hard, then you die and go to heaven!!" That helps put a lot of things in perspective!! The pain, the fear, the disappointments, the worries, the sadness, the loss, are just part of life in this fallen world. My worries and stress over the many things I thought were important, just need to take a hike!! All that matters is what is done for Him. Have a great rest of the week!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Resolutions/Goals/Wait on the Lord?

I have given up on New Year's Resolutions this year. Instead, I am making some goals for the new year and my future. This is the first day of the rest of my life!! No looking back, just striving forward to God's purpose for me. Some events in my life are causing me considerable stress--but I know who is in control, so I refuse to worry and be stressed. At least on the outside. I'm still searching for that inner peace which can only come from God. I only know this much--God has plans for me, plans to prosper me, not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future!! How can I doubt, or feel stress about anything when I am convinced God is in control. I will have goals--only ones that align with the will of God. Then I will wait on Him, and receive what he has promised me! Happy New Year!!