Friday, July 30, 2010

Vacation Entry--Day 4

It's not really day four--I've been out of reach for a day or so. To update you, we saw no bears at the High Country Lodge. I consider that very good news. So after a great rest in the woods, we met our guide Scott for our adventure up the mountain to some fantastic streams. I truly have never seen such beautiful scenery. And the streams--amazing!! I loved being in the streams--of course walking on those boulders is not exactly easy--thankfully I had Scott holding my hand!! How did I do, you may ask? I did catch the first fish of the day. I also caught the smallest fish ever caught out of these streams. Scott took a picture for his web page!! And he told me I was like job security for him. So what do you think?

After our fishing adventure, we travelled up the hill and across Wolf Creek Pass to a tiny little town called, Creede. Absolutely adorable!! We stayed at a darling B&B called Blessings Inn. If you ever go up there check it out!! We ate at the Antlers Lodge, right on the river. Saw lots of fish and a deer while eating!! A beautiful and relaxing town!

Then Thursday, we started our trek to Oklahoma and arrived here at 10:00 last night. We are staying at Cherokee Lodge, a nice place on the Vance Air Force Base in Enid, Lonnie's hometown. We are here for his class reunion. So, at this moment, I am all caught up on our laundry, and ready to hit the town of Enid!! Lonnie's sister, Kay will be joining us this afternoon--can't wait!! More to come!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Vacation Entry--Day 3

Today we said goodbye to Aztec, NM, and our new friend Laurie. We left her with both toilets stopped up and sewage backing up into the tubs. She may never speak to us again!! She kindly assured us it was not our fault. She may never speak to us again!!

We arrived in Pagosa Springs around noon today. This is another beautiful town. We looked at some vacation/retirement houses today and fell in love with a couple of them!! The best thing about this place in addition to the beauty, is the lifestyle--so laid back. So very different from California! I dropped my phone by the car when the realtor dropped me off--an hour later she calls me on Lonnie's phone and brings it to me. So sweet. We're staying in a great lodge--complete with bear warnings!! We're going fishing again tomorrow--this time wading the creeks. Should be fun. Stay tuned!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Vacation Entry--Day 2

Okay, I was a little too hard on our guide, Corky. He was very patient with a beginner grandma!! I even caught the first fish!! And several more to boot!! I hooked the biggest fish, but unfortunately, it jumped right off the hook while we were trying to land him!! Bummer!! All in all, a very good day!! And the scenery was beautiful!! I will add some pictures when I figure out how!! It was hot and it didn't rain--no hypothermia!! It felt very good to get a large iced tea and cool off.

Now I'm all showered up and ready for the evening. We are going to a chinese restaurant tonight with the gal we are staying with. It's a bed and breakfast without the breakfast. And we have become friends with the homeowner and are having a wonderful time!! If you are ever coming out the Aztec, New Mexico or Durango, Colorado, give her a call!!

Tomorrow is now up in the air--I don't think our guide wants to guide us again!! So we may have to just go shopping!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Vacation Time!!

We made it into Colorado yesterday amid pouring rain!! I have to say I sort of like it--since it "never rains in California"! Tomorrow we are going fly fishing. My biggest concern is getting soaked while out on the boat and dying of hypothermia!! Our guide, (young and cocky) assured me that he could row the boat back to shore in 45 minutes from anywhere on the lake. And how long does it take to die of hypothermia again? I don't feel very assured personally!! I will put that out of my mind and go as prepared as I can for the possible weather changes!!

That aside, Lonnie and I have only had one "knock down, drag out" conversation so far in three days, so I guess that's a good start. We're not really used to the 24/7 lifestyle!! And only one desperation call from my sister. Funny how her emergencies always come up when I am on vacation. And then, the friends who are staying in our home called to say the electrical outlets in the kitchen and bathrooms are going out!! Fantastic!! I'm feeling so relaxed already!! And it's only 10:00 a.m.!! I know it's 5 o'clock somewhere--bring out the wine!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

What to Wear!!

Just checked out the weather forecasts for the next three weeks in our respective locations--you know to prepare for packing, etc. Well, with the exception of rain/thunderstorms in Colorado most of the days we are there, it will be consistently in the 90's across Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas and of course all parts in between! Actually makes packing quite easy!! One rain jacket, and the rest hot weather clothes!! Whoopee--Summer in the midwest!! (One thing the weather channel doesn't mention--the humidity will choke us!! Yikes!!) There is no clothing appropriate for the humidity/heat combination!! Except a bathing suit while sitting in the pool!! Course, I have to take my fishing clothes!! We have special shirts, you know. Exciting!! Can't wait!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I have 71 days of summer vacation from work!! I am very blessed, it is true. But it seems 33 of those days have already gone. And the question is Where? It's true I spent 3 days camping at the beach, a week long road trip with Sarah and kids to Boise, had amazing house guests from Tennessee for a week--such a fun time!!

So, now that I have actually counted it all out (that is of course, including weekend days!), I will start tomorrow taking some positive action. There are now 38 days left of my summer vacation. That's positive, right? Starting Friday, I will spend the better part of 16 days in the car on a road trip. We will be trout fishing in Colorado, looking at retirement property, going to Lonnie's high school reunion, visiting family and friends in Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas. And doing a lot of driving. It's a good thing, right?--no tv, unwanted phone calls, and I'm really looking forward to it! I've got my music lined up, my snack list prepared, our stops planned, and I'm mostly packed. That leaves 22 days. Later in August, my sister and I will be flying to Kansas (again?) for "her" vacation. (8 more days gone)

Now I'm down to 14 days!! No, not enough! I can't get everything in that I want to do! I want to go to the beach, clean out all my closets, go to lunch with numerous friends, play with my grandkids, read at least 10 more books, have a few BBQs at my house, and do a lot more relaxing! I haven't seen any of the new summer movies--Toy Story 3, etc. All I can say is, I'm going to very busy spending up these 14 days!! I don't see much sleep in the near future!! It's worth it--I love my summer!!