Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer Vacation?

Supposedly, one of the main benefits of teaching is the summers off. Well, it is July 22, and I'm still wondering when my vacation starts? I supposed it is all relative, because at least I'm not getting up at 6:00a.m. and driving to work. But the word vacation used to conjure up an idea of some form of relaxation, laying on the beach, little drinks with umbrellas and pineapples, getting a massage, hanging out with people you love. I do get the priviledge of being with people I love often, but it always seems to be associated with some form of busyness. For example, yesterday I had an eye appointment which lasted 2 hours and 45 minutes--what a waste of a perfectly good morning! The good news is my eyes are very healthy--the bad news is my new glasses are bifocals!! After that I met up with Sarah and Tanner. We had a fun lunch at In and Out, and then proceeded to make the errand run--4 different stops--exhausting for us all. We did top off the day with a fun picnic at the Beach Club with grandchildren and their cousins from Florida--maybe just a taste of that summer vacation I remember!!