Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Decoration Day

Memorial day has special memories for me. In the midwest where I grew up, it was known as Decoration Day. We would go to the graves of close family members who had passed away and deliver fresh bouquets of flowers--mostly lilacs and roses from the yard. For us, it was my brother's grave, and a couple of cousins who had also died as children. It was hard as a child myself to go to the grave of another child. But I knew it was important to my parents, so I went willingly. Now my parents are buried next to my brother, Jackie, and I don't miss an opportunity to visit their graves with flowers. Now, however, I use the long lasting silks that are available--they are beautiful and other than slight fading, they stay nice for several months.
Other memories of the day are more upbeat--as the first holiday of summer, it meant just one thing!! Picnic in the park!! My mom would spend hours making homemade potato salad, (mashed), orange jello with grated carrots and pineapple, baked beans, fried chicken, pickled beets, and cake for dessert--sometimes even strawberry shortcake! All from scratch!! My Auntie Faye, Uncle Jess and cousin Sandy would meet us in the park with even more food! We kids would play for hours on the swings and slides in the park--and then eat this amazing meal--at the time not really appreciating it's goodness!! Now, when I attempt to duplicate even part of this meal, I am reminded of the time cooking from scratch takes. Just this Memorial Day, I made my mom's famous mashed potato salad--it took about 3 hours!! The baked beans go together quickly--thanks to Van Camps Pork and Beans--is there any other way to make baked beans? And fried chicken--forget it!! If I want fried chicken, it's KFC to the rescue. This year, Mark grilled some delicious chicken on his grill!! And once again, we ate an amazing meal--surrounded by the laughter of small children as they played the day away!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here You Go Kristen

Five things on my to-do list today
1. Walk around the lake and feed the ducks with Tanner
2. Cancel and make doctors appointments
3. Finish laundry
4. Paper push
5. Bible Study

Snacks I enjoy
2. Cokes
3. Red Licorice
4. Fresh Fruits
5. Peanut Patties

I would do if I were a millionaire
1. Pay off my house
2. Retire
3. Pay for Grandkids college
4. Buy a Mini Van
5. Buy a pop-up camper (Dream Big girls!)

Places I have lived
1. Hutchinson, Ks
2. Lenexa, Ks
3. Quantico, Va
4. Barstow, Ca
5. Mission Viejo, Ca

Bad habits I have
1. Not shaving my legs
2. Eat junk food
3. Procrastinate in all areas!
4. Clutter Bug
5. Messy closet

Jobs I have held
1. Teacher
2. Camp counselor
3. Fabric Store Worker
4. Dairy Barn Worker
5. Preschool Director

I need to Tag some friends to start a BLOG!

Friday, May 23, 2008


Living in Southern California for the last 30+ years, I can count on one hand the number of times I have heard thunder out here. So you can appreciate my delight in the amazing storm we had yesterday. I was in my classroom--the sky had darkened, a flash of light hit my face--and then it happened--THUNDER!! Huge, rolling, crashing thunder! I was revelling in it--reliving my childhood memories of sitting on the front porch swing, watching the rain pouring down, even wading in the flooded street during the storm--when suddenly I was jolted back to reality with two of my little friends bawling their eyes out in fear! Needless to say, I have little patience with anyone who doesn't love thunderstorms--but, I put on my teacher hat and explained about thunder and lightning (after all we are in the middle of a science unit about weather!) and how the rain is so needed by our gardens and flowers. We even moved our barrel of flowers out from under the awning so they could drink of heavens waters. The day was complete as I walked four little ones under my unbrella over to the day care room--wading ankle deep with them in the streams of run off!! I do love thunderstorms!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Going Green?

I have always been somewhat green. My mom was recycling before there was even a name for it. And I grew up having "paper drives" at the elementary schools for fund raisers. But maybe I only thought I was green. After watching Oprah's Earth Day special, I decided to buy the book she was talking about that day--Georgeously Green. I had already made a feeble attempt to begin composting--I told Lonnie all I wanted for Mother's Day was a compost bin from Lowes. In the meantime, I am collecting it in an old trash can. (I noticed today some black liquid seeping out of the bottom of the can--that can't be good?) Oh well, back to the book--I do want to be educated!! So 8 simple steps to an earth friendly life--how hard could it be? If Sophie and Julia Roberts can do it--so can I!! Chapter 1--becoming aware--no problem, I'm fully aware. Chapter 2 Green Goddess. Apparently I am poisioning myself on a daily basis with all the products I slather on my hair and body. And I do mean poison--cancer causing and hormone altering poison, pages of lists of poison, none of which I can even pronounce! After instructions to literally throw out all my "products" and check out the umteen dozen websites where I can purchase green products for myself, (and I can assure you, Target or Walmart are not on the list of where to go) I am ready to throw out the book instead! Maybe I'll just stick to composting for now--it's not that hard to save garbage and paper!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

It's Sunday evening of Mother's Day. I'm always a little nervous about Mother's Day. Just 4 years ago, my mother died on April 18th. I think of her so often all year long--even more so in April (her birthday was April 21) and May. I am one of those very lucky people who was very close to her mother. She was a friend to me--but even more than that--she loved my children and I unconditionally. I know many of my friends have lost their mothers and share with me in a somewhat bittersweet Mother's Day.

But as I reflect on this day, I am so very thankful for the sweet part! I was able to be with Tanner in his Sunday School hour at church. Then we drove up to have lunch with Mark, Kristen, Jafta, and India at a great little Cuban restaurant in Newport (I think). Such fun!! When Mark was taking a picture of India and mommy, he said to her, "Say cheese, baby!" So with a big smile on her face, India replied, "Cheese, Baby!" We all cracked up to say the least! Such precious little pleasures and memories. Later today, we drove down to San Clemente and met Sarah, Kipp, Kipp's mom, Glenda, and Tanner at the beach for a KFC picnic. The sun was shining, it was warm, and Tanner had to get his feet wet. We saw dolphins and pelicans. As the sun went behind clouds, we bundled up in blankets--Tanner in his little bomber hat. I got to be with all my local kids today--and my Seattle kids last week. What a blessing!! Being a mom is such a gift--and now a grandma!! All that on top of having a most amazing mom of my own. Thank you Lord, for this beautiful Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Coming Home

It's always a little sad when I get home from visiting my northwest kids and grandkids. The visits are always amazingly fun, but they are so few and far between. I'm always so blessed by them--Alex is quite the Tae-Kwon-Do star, and Caleb is following in his dad's footsteps as a hustler on the baseball field--granted it is only T-Ball. Jodie is always the perfect hostess and I love attending church and hearing my son Preach!! Wow!! I sometimes still can't believe it! I love the great talks over coffee or a glass of wine by the fireplace. The weekend was topped off by the goats they "rented" to clear some of the vegetation overgrowth--what fun!! Check out Jodie's blog for pictures. Today, I am watching Tanner and having a quiet day--tomorrow back to work. In honor of the fun I had in Seattle, however, I brought some of the weather home with me--cold, cloudy, rainy. Ah California, home again!!