Tuesday, May 2, 2017
I found Fall!
Well as a teacher, it is hard to take a week off the first month of school--so now that I'm retired, this is our year! So we planned our trip to Maine with dear friends Teresa and Darrell. We picked approximately the same weekend for our venture to the east coast. Unfortunately, the weather in Maine had not behaved the way we would have liked. Apparently, they had an extremely hot and dry summer, which affected the changing of the leaves. We had a wonderful time, but saw very few leaves.
Later in October, I decided to take a trip up to see the Seattle Howertons. There I found fall! Beautiful leaves along with my beautiful family! Next year instead of traveling cross country, I will just go north--to Seattle!
Saturday, June 18, 2016
The First Day of the Rest of my Life
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Reflections on Christmas
I've been giving a lot of thought lately to why family holidays are so important to me. I’m sure part of it is that I’m not getting any younger! Not to be morbid or anything, but I remember when we were much younger and we would take family trips back to Kansas and Oklahoma. Great family times. But I would often comment to my sister-in-law and dear friend, Kay, “This might be our last family vacation back here”. She always laughed at my comment—and yet, one summer, as our kids were in their teens and beginning many new facets of life, it indeed was our last family vacation. Bottom line, I just plain don’t want to miss any of these memorable times with my great family!!
I suppose an even more important reason, is that out of our 42 years of marriage, we were only able to spend the holidays a handful of times with our families. And how I longed for that—every year. We tried to make up for it by having guests join us—which we loved, but nothing took the place of my mom and dad! And now that they are gone, it is even more important to me to spend the precious moments with those I love!
And now as I head for bed this Christmas Eve—pain killers in hand, I am filled with joy! I am a blessed woman. I get to spend Christmas with most of my kids and grandkids, and the rest of the gang will be in later in the week!! And even though I can barely walk, the excitement of seeing the grandkids tearing into their gifts with such reckless abandon is my most joyous thought! Christ is Born! Emmanuel!! I pray God’s blessings to you and your families this Christmas and in the New Year!